Guidance and Testing

The foundation period plays an important role in the total development of an individual. The most important task of the school is the thorough education of its students that is their development, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Students need to be guided constantly to understand themselves as well and their role in the development and program of the community and society. Hence, it is the responsibility of the institution to provide programs and services concerned with the student’s development.

The Guidance Program plays a major role in the total development of the students. With this in mind, the Guidance Center formulated an action plan primarily meant to ensure the smooth implementation of the Guidance Program adapting the new normal setup of education.

General Objectives:
The Guidance Center of Pilar College of Zamboanga City, Inc. aims primarily to uplift the worth of the individual, to have genuine respect for self as a person created in the image of God endowed with the ability to grow morally, intellectually, socially, and physically and psychologically and to guide him become a self-directed dynamic Filipino committed to serve, through progressive guidance and counseling.

Guidance Services:
a. Counseling Services
b. Testing Services
c. Information Services
d. Individual Inventory Services
e. Placement Services
f. Follow-up Service
g. Research and Evaluation
h. Service to Administrators, Teachers, and Parents