BED Objectives


Elementary Education shall have the following objectives:

1. To provide the basic knowledge and develop the foundation skills, attitudes, and values, including their moral and spiritual dimensions essential to the child’s personal development and necessary for living in and contributing to a developing and changing social meleiu.

2. To provide learning experiences which increase the child’s awareness of and responsiveness to the chnages in society, and to prepare him/her for constructive and effective involvement.

3. To promote and intensify the child’s knowledge of, identification with, and love for the nation and the people to which he/she belongs.

4. To promote work experience which develops and enahnces to child’s orientation to the world of work and creativity in order to prepare him/her to engage in honest and gainful work.

The foregoing provisions are based in Batas Pambansa (BP No. 232), or the Educ. Act of 1582. The above-stated objectives of elementary education contemplate the 4-H (head, heart, hands, healthy) development of the youth dealing with the promotion of intellectual growth, worthy values, skills and physical well-being.